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Obafemi Awolowo University Needs New VICE-CHANCELLOR by June 24, 2011.

The post of the VICE-CHANCELLOR of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria will become vacant by June 24, 2011.
In accordance with the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Act, 2003 which amended the Universities Miscellaneous Provisions Act (Decree No.11 of 1993 (as amended by Decree No 25 of 1996), the Governing Council of the Obafemi Awolowo University, lIe-lfe wishes to commence the process for the appointment of a new Vice-Chancellor for the University. Consequently, applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for the position. Interested applicants are requested to note the following information:
The Obafemi Awolowo University, lIe-lfe, is a comprehensive public institution established in 1962 as the University of Ife by the government of the then Western Region-of Nigeria. In August 1975, the Federal Government of Nigeria took over the University and in 1987 renamed it after Chief Obafemi Awolowo, a frontline Nigerian Statesman and one of the University’s founding fathers. The University is situated on a vast expanse of land totaling 11,350 hectares of land in lIe-lfe, Osun State, Southwest of Nigeria.
The Vision of the founders of the University was to establish an institution dedicated to the promotion of learning and culture. The aim was to create an institution for developing a cadre of high level manpower, qualified in various fields. The focus was on the development of teaching and research facilities that can be used to provide solutions to problems of national development.
In the 19708 and early 19805, the University attained a foremost position among Universities in Africa, with a vibrant academic and social atmosphere and a high international reputation. It made significant advances in research resulting in a number of appreciable achievements such as:
• Documenting the chemotherapeutic effect of fagara xanthozyloides on sickle cell anaemia
• Invention of locally useful machines such as yam pounding machine, cowpea sheller, palm oil digester and mechanical cassava pulverizes/sifter and fryer.
• Development of appropriate post-harvest agro-processing technologies.
• Development of early planting and high yielding hybrid, insect and crack resistant varieties of maize, cowpea (Ife Brown) and tomatoes Ife Plum series).
• Development of software for university administration and records.
• Resurrection and modernization of traditional bronze-casting technology.
In Nigeria the Obafomi Awolowo University is a leading tertiary institution. It has produced, among its staff, a Nobel Laureate, five Nigerian National Merit Award Winners and it has also pioneered kidney transplant in Nigeria. The Students of Obafemi Awolowo University, lIe-lfe, have also excelled in national and international competitions. From an enrolment figure of 244 at inception in 1962. OAU, as at 2009/2010 session, had a total student enrolment (undergraduate and postgraduate) of 31,945. The University which took off with 94 members of staff now has a staff profile of 1,372 full-time academic staff, 1,662 Senior Administrative and Technical Staff and 1,072 Junior Staff.
The University has strong undergraduate and postgraduate programmes organized in 13 Faculties of Administration, Agriculture, Arts, Education, Environmental Design and Management, Law, Pharmacy, Social Sciences, Technology, Basic Medical Sciences, Clinical Sciences, and Dentistry. There are, in addition, 2 Colleges; these are the College of Health Sciences and Postgraduate College. There are 103 academic Departments and Units as well as 7 specialized Centres and Institutes. The University also plays host to a number of national and United Nations Agencies including the following;
• Centre for Energy Research and Development (CERD)
• Cooperative Information Network (COPINE)
• National Centre for Technology Management (NACETEIV1) Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys (RECTAS)
• African Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education English (ARCSSTE-E)
The Centre for Distance Learning (CDL) and the Information Technology and Communications Unit (INTECU) provide, through emerging network technologies, quality distance learning opportunities that make it possible for remote learners to enroll in on-line part-time professional and academic programmes.
The University has one of the most beautiful campuses, which is a delight to visiting students and scholars. The campus comprises the central core comprising the University Hall, Faculties and Lecture Theatres: a student residential area comprising 10 Halls of Residence; the staff quarters on a large estate and a Teaching and Research Farm. The University is largely e-compliant with an Internet and e-mail facility. All the academic departments, the University Library and key units of the Registry and Bursary are fully computerized. The University also has a nationally acclaimed Central Science Laboratory that provides the state-of-the-art equipment for research.
The Obafemi Awolowo University is, therefore, a truly complex organization which is administered through the committee system; where all committees report either to Council, the Senate or the Vice-Chancellor. In order to carry out its core functions of Teaching, Research and Community Service, the University provides to a large extent municipal facilities of water supply through its Opa Dam and electricity through the national grid and some electricity generating sets. It also provides health facilities and security services to its staff and students and the estate at large. Staff salaries and other emoluments are above six (6) billion ‘naira annually, The University has a virile Alumni Association with branches across Nigeria and in the Diaspora and they are passionate for the growth and development of the University, The activities of the Great Ife Alumni Association are coordinated through the University’s Advancement Office. The University has, in its close to fifty years of existence, been contributing to the socio-political, economic and cultural development of Nigeria.
The Vice-Chancellor is the Principal Academic and Executive Officer of the University and ex-officio Chairman of the Senate and Member of Council. He shall exercise general supervision over the University and shall have general responsibility to Council for maintaining and promoting the efficiency and good order of the University, and it shall be the duty of the Vice-Chancellor to see that the provisions of the Law and Statute, Ordinances and Regulations of the University are observed, and he may exercise such powers as may be necessary or expedient of that purpose.
The person for the post of Vice-Chancellor of Obafemi Awolowo University, lIe-lfe, is required to possess a good University education of a recognized University and should be a proven manager of human and material resources. Specifically, the candidate shall be expected to be a highly distinguished scholar of the rank of Professor of not less than ten (10) years experience on that rank, with ability to provide academic and administrative leadership for the University Community; .
• be able to command the respect of the national and international academic communities through his/her track records;
• possess a clear vision for the development of the University and the realization of its mission;
• demonstrate interpersonal and team building skills and possess the ability to strengthen the bridges between staff, students, other members of the University community and the University’s stake holders:
• exhibit entrepreneurial drive and ability to attract much needed funds and mobilize other resources for the development of the University;
• enjoy excellent physical and mental health; and
• have demonstrable ability to establish and maintain partnerships with local and international governmental and non-governmental agencies.
Terms and Conditions of Service Applicable To the Post
The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a single term of five (5) years only on such terms and conditions as may be specified in the letter of appointment. The remuneration and other conditions of service as are-applicable to the post of Vice-Chancellor in all Nigerian Federal, Universities and as may be determined by the Government/Governing Council of the University as appropriate.
Each application should be made in thirty (30) copies and be accompanied by thirty (30) copies of the candidate’s curriculum vitae duly signed and dated. The curriculum vitae must contain details of the candidate’s names in full, age, marital status, educational attainment, nationality, professional and academic achievements.
• Each application should include the names and addresses of three (3) referees. Each Referee must be contacted by the applicant to forward, direct to the Registrar, a confidential report on the candidate’s character, academic and managerial competences in a properly sealed envelope marked Post of Vice-Chancellor:
• Referee’s Report at the top left hand corner of the envelope.
• Each application must be accompanied by thirty (30) copies of statement of the candidate’s Vision for the University in the twenty first century.
• In the case of candidates identified by the Search Team, the application shall conform to the requirements in (i) to (iii) above, and in addition, the candidate shall present a letter of consent duly signed by him/her along with the application.
• All applications shall be submitted under confidential cover and addressed to:
• The Registrar and Secretary to Council, Obafemi Awolowo University, lIe.lfe.
• The sealed envelope(s) containing the applications or nominations should be marked Post of Vice-Chancellor at the top left hand corner and forwarded to reach the Registrar and Secretary to Council .
• candidates should please note that only those who are shortlisted will be contacted further.
• Deadline is 31st December, 2010.
Ayorinde O. Ogunruku
Registrar and Secretary to Council