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African Development Bank Internship Programme (Student Internship)

The African Development Bank (ADB) is now receiving applications for Session II of the 2011 Internship Program. The possible sessions are: Session I: January through April (Now closed)
Session II: June through September (with possibility of extension) is now open and will be closed on 28th February 2011 – (online application will soon be available)

The broad objectives of the African Development Bank Internship program are to:

  • provide students with an opportunity to acquire professional and practical experience at the African Development Bank
  • provide the Bank with a pool of potential candidates for future recruitment purposes.
However applicants should not expect the internship to lead to immediate employment with the AfDB.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for internship, applicants must meet the following criteria:
Applicants must be:

  • students, aged between eighteen (18) to thirty (30) years, and currently enrolled in a master’s level degree programme or its equivalent in a recognized public or private institution of higher learning. The candidate can apply for an internship within one year of having obtained such a degree.
  • provide a letter from their school confirming their enrollment.
  • citizens of one of the Bank’s member countries
  • applicants must be fluent in, at least, one of the Bank’s working languages (English or French).
The first Session of the 2011 Internship program is now open and will be closed on 28 February 2011
All enquiries regarding the internship program should be addressed to:
Human Resources Management Department
African Development Bank
P.O.Box 323-1002 Tunis-Belvedere, Tunisia
FAX: (+216) 71 83 14 72 or E-mail:

click the following link for full details of the African Development Bank's Internship Programme