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Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Recruits Vice-Chancellor

In accordance with the provisions of the Edict establishing the University, the Governing Council of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso hereby announces that the post of Vice-Chancellor of the University is vacant.

To be a centre of academic excellence and a training ground for productive, self-employable, self-sustaining and self-reliant, individuals passing through it; and to combine the ideals of excellence in learning and research with a large dose of practical application in development.
Job Title: Vice-Chancellor
The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Executive and Academic Officer of the University and Chairman of the Senate. He is a member of the Governing Council.
Chancellor shall:
(a) be competent at all times to advise the Council on any matter affecting the policy, finance and administration of the University. (b) be generally responsible to the Council for maintaining the efficiency and good order of the University and for ordinances and regulations;
(c) be responsible for discipline in the University; and
(d) regulate the admission of students subject to guidelines and procedures approved by Senate.
Applicants for the post of the Vice-Chancellor of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso must:
(a) have had a very sound University education and he/she must have a distinction in an academic discipline being offered in the University. The Person’s academic standing and reputation must be sufficiently high to command national and international respect, particularly in the academic world, such that it would enhance the good reputation already established for the University;
(b) have had considerable administrative experience and must have the qualities of a good manager of human and material resources;
(c) be capable of giving dynamic leadership to the University, and be able to command the respect and loyalty of both the staff and students;
(d) be a person of courage who can take decisions on the merit of facts and principles, and not on the basis of pressures from individuals or groups. He/she must also be a person of unassailable integrity;
(e) be a person who is not likely to pursue racial, ethnic, political, religious or other sectional interests;
(f) be committed to the ideals of a University as a Republic of Learning, not only in the context of national social relevance and of international scholastic excellence,
The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a single term of five (5) years on such terms and conditions as may be specified in his letter of appointment.
The salary and all other conditions of service attached to the post of Vice-Chancellor of a Government owned University.
Applications are, therefore, invited from interested and qualified candidates who should:
(i) submit 35 copies of applications, each accompanied by the candidate’s detailed Curriculum Vitae duly signed and dated;
(ii) submit 35 copies of a statement of his/her own vision for the University;
(iii) in the case of candidate identified and nominated by others, the Curriculum Vitae must be accompanied by a Letter of consent, duly signed and dated by the candidate;
(iv) all candidates are to name three (3) referees who are to forward references on them directly to the Registrar and secretary to Council Such referees should be able to attest to the candidate’s claims to high academic and managerial capability as well as their moral uprightness; and
(v) all shortlisted candidates may be required to make themselves available for interaction at a later date.
Applications are to be submitted under confidential cover, in envelopes marked at the Upper Left Hand Corner “Post of Vice-Chancellor, LAUTECH” to reach the Ag. Registrar and secretary to Council, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, P.M. B 4000, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria, not later than 6 weeks the date of this publication.
Application Deadline: 24th February 2011