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Australian Development Scholarships For Nigerian Students (PostGraduate Study)

AUSTRALIAN DEVELOPMENT SCHOLARSHIPS FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDY IN AUSTRALIA Applications are invited from Nigerian nationals who wish to undertake postgraduate studies at Masters level at Australian Universities commencing in January 2012. The Scholarships are funded by the Austrailian Government and managed by the Austrian Agency for Internation Development (AusAid).
Scholarships cover airfares, tuition fees, medical cover and a living allowance in Australia. Female applicants and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Study in Australia is subject to the successful applicant being issued with visa by the Australian Department of Immigration & Citizenship (DIAC). As part of the visa application process, immigration authorities require candidates to undergo a full medical examination.
The priority fields of study for the scholarships are:
Public Policy (including public sector reform, trade and diplomacy)
Applications will be considered from candidates meeting the following requirements:
Possess, as a minimum, a 4 year Bsc degree
Be currently employed by and parastatal agencies) in Nigeria
Have at least two years’ post-graduation work experience. This work experience must be in a public sector role relevant to tour proposed field of study. Preference will be given to candidates with greater periods of experience
Not be more than 50 years of age at the date of your application
Have sufficient proficiency in Englidh to study at postgrate level
Not hold another scholarship that would give overlapping benefits
Can take up the award (if selected) in the 2012 academy year
Applicants should submit the following documents:
The preliminary application form in English (including a reintegration plan in the required format)
A current CV in English
Notarized copies of university Certificates and transcripts
All other attachments requested in the preliminary application form
Failure to complete the application form provided and submit all documentation requested will lead to automatic disqualification. You should download form and other documents from the Nigeria page of
The deadline for submission is 28 February 2011
Consult for more info or email if you are experiencing any difficulties with the website.