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Dell Social Innovation Competition Ongoing!!

Do you have an idea that could change the world?

University Students: 

Register and Post An Idea!

Not a Student?  
Vote and Voice Your Opinion

The University of Texas at Austin and Dell are looking for university students around the world with innovative ideas to solve a social or environmental problem. We’re giving away more than $100,000 in cash prizes to at least five winning teams who will be flown to Austin, Texas for an expense-paid Finalist Week-End that culminates in a final pitch and awards ceremony.
Have a good idea, but think it’s not good enough to win yet? We can help! We’ve created new programs this year to expand outreach and support to students at all stages of their idea generation. For example, we have created two new paid fellowship programs that will provide inspiration, mentoring and support to 30 high-potential students who do not advance to the next round. One of the fellowships even includes a stipend to spend a summer improving your idea and venture plan!
No matter how early you are in the idea process, enter your idea now!