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Getting Noticed in the Employment Market: Creative Job Hunting Strategies

Creative Job Hunting Strategies
Currently, the labor market has a very large number of people in it, and this is why there is the need for you to be good and even better, to land the job you are looking for. There are a lot of people that would be vying for the same job you are gunning for, therefore you must perform well above standard before you can get noticed enough to impress the people you are trying to convince to employ you.
Of course, you would need to get out the best CV that would captivate your interviewers, but that is not the long and short of it all. You would need to impress the employers by showing off your skills and ideas, as well as your zeal or drive for the sector you are looking for. Below are some ideas to work on to strike a win when contesting for a job opening.
A marketing job? Here’s how!
If you are eying an opening as a marketer in that company or firm, there are many ways you can employ to get your employers to notice you above the rest of the pack. One of the best experiences so far has been the technique employed by a popular search engine marketer. He used a (Google Ad words) Google’s advertizing medium to sell himself. He basically used these Google Adwords, to target specific keywords and was able to attract the companies and CEO’s he was trying to gun for. He targeted four of the companies, and before long, he was offered a position with two of the four.

Jobs for Sales Persons
First of all, you need to know the basics of being a sales person. To be a sales person, you would need to sell yourself. Think about the various ways you can sell a product, and then generate ideas that would help sell the product easily and faster. And when you have done these apply the methods on yourself first of all and see how good it gets. Whatever a company is doing, whether online or offline, they would need to have sales. It could be the direct contact sales, or sales by way of adverts in media houses as well as online. Whatever the case, you can put your thoughts in focus by asking yourself this important question: why does the company need you and for what good would you be to them?
Public Relations Jobs
Here again, the importance of promoting and selling yourself becomes emphasized. In fact, a recent example of this technique was demonstrated by a young student. The young man built himself a website, and this website proclaimed his talents, his skills and ideas for the world to see. He was also found at various locations during the rush hour, carrying a placard, on which the words “PR for FREE” were boldly written across. Also, on it was his web address. And before long he was able land the job he has always wanted, and also bagged some popularity in the local papers.
A job in a construction company
Seeking for a job in this sector can be a little more technical and needs a more direct approach. This entails putting up or creating some kind of a portfolio of your previous accomplishment either in school or some other little projects you may have personally handled or as a member of a team.
You can have this accomplishment package in a video or a photo album showing your project history for your intending employers to see.
So, in our next articles we will be dealing on other areas of job hunting, interview preparations and resume writing skills that will help place you ahead of the job seeking pack.
About The Author: 
Richard Chidike is the Co-founder of and also the Owner Africanary is the first and biggest Books Sharing Social Networking site in Africa, with loads of materials free for download. Also, as a professional blogger with valuable years of experience in internet marketing, his Motivational blog is fully dedicated to helping bloggers and internet marketers succeed online. You can join me on twitter @motivatory