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"Approval and validation are often far more valuable than material rewards and are usually worked for far harder than mere pay."

Thanking employees is an effective management technique. Every manager and executive must know how to show appreciation to deserving staff members. Good acknowledgments encourage better behavior and increased production.

Workers can boost their success by properly thanking their bosses and coworkers. If your leader and teammates do better, you do better. For example, successful sports teammates are constantly approving and encouraging each other, the louder the better! Enthusiasm is contagious.

Thanking people in your family or your friends can also create interesting results.

You can thank people in many ways.


Verbally and directly thank the person. Stop the person, look them in the eye, get their full attention. "Pat, thanks for straightening out those files."

Explain why you appreciate what the person did. Be specific. "I liked how you used the colored folders to make it easier for us to find files." "I'm amazed how you got little Bill to calm down and clean up his room.” "Ever since you upgraded my computer, I get my work done much faster!”

Expand your compliment. "The way you organize everything really makes it nice to work around you." "Ever since you came home, everyone in the family gets along better." "If you help me with my computer in the future, I'll get a raise!”

Give indirect praise. For example, compliment one person about another person. "Bob sure did a good job fixing my car!” "You know, Mary is one of the best friends I've ever had." "I think our boss is a fantastic manager.”

Defend the person. "You said Chris is too much of a perfectionist, but no one can organize things like she does." "If one of us was the boss, we'd have to be tough too." "Maybe you should say that to his face and not behind his back."

Ask for the person's help, opinions or ideas. Asking for advice shows that you value the person's intelligence. “Where is the best place to eat lunch?” "Could you give me your ideas about the parking problem?" “Any ideas of how I can earn more pay around here?”

Compliment their achievement. Become happy, even excited, about the person's accomplishment. "This dinner is really fantastic!" "That fish tank has never looked cleaner!" "Mrs. Jones was very happy after you met with her.”

Physical contact. Hand shakes, shoulder pats and even hugs can communicate your appreciation quickly and effectively.

Give it a try and thank someone today!