For Career Test and Career Counseling, click here. Responsibilities: |
Managing the programme against agreed DGSP country plans and budget to achieve new partnerships and grant targets, and submit agreed reports | |||
Manage and support the performance of the in-country DGSP Programme Coordinator | |||
Managing programme relationships with Ministry of Education, DFID and VSO offices | |||
Monitoring programme participation of special needs, girls, minority, and faith schools | |||
Seek and manage synergy with other www.sliyng.comrelevant internal programmes | |||
Actively share ideas and solutions to challenging issues with regional and UK DGSP teams | |||
Contribute to impact assessment through evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of programme services to schools and key stakeholders | |||
Manage establishment of new partnerships through partner finding and dissemination of programme information | |||
Manage the Programme Coordinator in the provision of advice and guidance to schools via telephone, e-mail, website, meetings and school visits | |||
Monitoring inclusion of global dimension activities in and sustainability of school partnerships |
HOW TO APPLY:Read through the job description document. Download and complete the application form. To help you understand and complete the application form, read through the ‘How to complete the application’ and ‘Guidance for applicants’ documents to the left of this page. Listed within the job description document, you will find a number of listed ‘competencies’. Evidence against those competencies will need to be provided in your application form under the ‘Evidence in support of your application’ area. To help you understand the competencies, we have provided a 'Behavioural Competency' and 'Generic Skills' dictionary to the left of this page.
Please read all the documents carefully before you fill in the job application form. Telephone applications or enquiries will not be considered. Completed applications should be sent via email to: Deadline: Friday 20 May 2011 at 10am.
Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Only candidates shortlisted for interview will be contacted. We do not accept CV's, handwritten applications or expressions of interest.